Monday, November 12, 2012

On Apathy

I'm cold, but I don't want to get off the couch to turn on the heat.

via Reddit, response to thread "I just flew 800 miles to be broken up with"

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

On Religion

I know this is a generalization. I know this is intolerant. I know this could be said about any 'religion.' But if you're a Mormon, you're an idiot. And even better? Willfully stupid. I only resent your weirdness because your beliefs/delusions are a threat to my pursuit of happiness.

via "Restoring Honor: The Rise of Mormonofascism" by Abe Saeur, The Awl, 8/30/10

Monday, October 4, 2010

On Social Media

Facebook has ruined and tainted everything, even death.

via "A Death on Facebook" by Kate Bolick, The Atlantic, Sept. 2010

On Loss and Love in the Digital Age

It is a new era in which many of us have consciously chosen to no longer shove emotions under the rug, especially love. There is not enough love in the world to go around, so why not let those of us who wish to express our love openly and honestly do so without criticism, judgment, and lecturing? If only we could all love so freely and passionately as is expressed in this blog, what a happier, more joyous world it would be.

via "On Her Wedding Day, Saying the Things Left Unsaid" by Andrew Cohen, Politics Daily, 7/24/10.